Latest Computer Articles
Keep Your PC Healthy And Reduce
Computer Errors |
It may come as a shock to you, but computer users in the U.S.
alone spend over $60 billion on solving computer errors. This amount does not
include the millions of hours that are lost due to computer downtime caused by
these errors. A lot of this money and time could be easily saved if we all
became a little more alert about maintaining the health of our computers.
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Guidelines To Prevent DLL Problems |
Every year billions of dollars are spent in
repairing computer problems that could have been avoided. The truth is that
prevention and maintenance tasks can help users avoid problems. One just needs
to be vigilant and follow some easy guidelines. This will help prevent a lot of
computer problems and increase the life and efficiency of a system.
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What You Should Know About EXE Errors |
A recent survey by a computer magazine found out that 56% of computer owners are using their computers daily to store critical information regarding their business and personal life. This signifies that computer users are relying on their computers more than ever before.
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Easy Fixes For Software
Errors |
With so many software programs installed on your Windows computer,
the occurrence of software errors is not uncommon. Many software errors are
circumstantial and usually disappear when you restart your PC. However, there
are a few errors that are caused due to missing or corrupt files and other
issues on the system that you may need to resolve.
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Advanced Software
Uninstallation Tips |
Whenever software is installed on your Windows computer, it adds
several installation files on the hard disk and entries in the registry. These
files and registry entries are required to run the software on your computer.
When you choose to uninstall the software from your PC, you must ensure that you
use a method that enables you to completely remove the software by getting rid
of all related files and registry entries. Let’s have a look at some of the
methods that you can use to achieve this.
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A device driver is a software program that is used
to establish communication between various hardware devices installed on your
computer and the applications that need to use these devices. For instance, a
printer driver enables your Microsoft Word or Excel application to communicate
with the printer and send prints jobs. Common drivers, such as drivers for mouse
and keyboards are shipped along with your operating system. Each device has its
own driver. In Window environments, drivers have the .DRV extension and in DOS
environment the extension is .SYS.
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5 Reasons to Upgrade to
Windows Vista |
Microsoft Windows Vista released this January comes
fully-loaded with many cool features and enhancements that inspire Windows users
to upgrade their current systems. In this latest Microsoft operating system,
you will notice interesting changes in everything from desktop to networking,
excellent searching and multimedia capabilities, and much improved, fast, and
secure Internet services and beyond.
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What to Look For in a
Registry Cleaner |
The registry plays a crucial role in the functioning of your
Windows computer. Therefore, it is vital for you to perform regular registry
maintenance. The simplest and most efficient way to perform registry maintenance
is by using a registry cleaner utility. In this article, we will list a few
things to look for before buying a registry cleaner utility.
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Minnesota Real Estate
Medical Billing System
Modern High Chair
Garden Lighting Design
IP Phone Service