Nvidia Announces 'Fastest' 12GB GPU Accelerator for Supercomputing
Source: Inquirer

Nvidia has announced what it claims is the fastest GPU accelerator high performance computing (HPC) applications.
Based on Nvidia's Kepler compute architecture, the Tesla K40 GPU accelerator is what Nvidia is calling "the world's highest performance accelerator ever built". It is designed for delivering higher graphics performance to science, engineering, and enterprise applications.
"Providing double the memory and up to 40 percent higher performance than its predecessor, the Tesla K20X GPU accelerator, and 10 times higher performance than today's fastest CPU, the Tesla K40 GPU is the world's first and highest-performance accelerator optimised for big data analytics and large scale scientific workloads," Nvidia said.
The Tesla K40 GPU accelerator boasts 12GB of ultra-fast GDDR5 memory so users can process datasets twice as big as its predecessor to analyse massive volumes of data.
Source: Inquirer
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