Walmart Discounts New iPhone 5C by 20%
Posted on Sep 12, 2013 | Source: Computer World

Walmart today confirmed that it will take in-store pre-orders for Apple's new iPhone 5C Friday morning, and will discount the smartphone to $79 with a two-year carrier contract.
Apple introduced the iPhone 5C -- essentially a repackaged iPhone 5 but inside a polycarbonate chassis that comes in five colors -- on Tuesday, along with the new flagship iPhone 5S. It was the first time in Apple's smartphone history that it launched a two-tier device strategy.
Apple's list price for the 16GB iPhone 5C is $99 with a two-year mobile contract, and $199 for the 32GB model. Sans a contract, the smartphone sells for $549 and $649 for the 16GB and 32GB configurations, respectively.
"The fulfillment of pre-orders will be processed on a first come, first serve basis ... subject to manufacturer availability and carrier launch dates," a Walmart spokesman said in an email.
The big-box retailer will also discount the iPhone 5S, with the 16GB device selling for $189, $10 off list, starting Sept. 20.
Source: Computer World
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